Why Russian Hair Extensions?
Russian Hair is known to be the highest quality hair extensions on the market. The hair is tangle-resistant, won't shed, and will last for over two years – provided that you look after it, of course! Russian Hair Extensions are naturally and organically fabulous which is why it requires no silicone disguise. Best of all, Russian Hair Extensions continues to look amazing, wash after wash, allowing it to last for years versus months.
5 Things You need To Know About Russian Hair Extensions
Russian Hair Extensions Tip #1: Premium Price Point Due to the premium quality of real Russian Human Hair Extensions, you won’t be able to find it at cheaper prices. If the prices are similar to European, Chinese or Indian hair, this is a red flag. Hair from these countries is much easier to source and at far lower prices. Russian Hair Extensions Tip #2: Ridiculously Addictive Once you try Russian Remy Hair Extensions, you cannot survive without them. Yes, hair extension is an addiction especially for those who can only dream of longer, fuller mermaid locks. From fixing a bad haircut to adding playful hues to giving different looks for different occasions hair extensions can do a lot more than what you imagine. Russian Hair Extensions Tip #3: The Perfect Match Russian Virgin Hair Extension is the best grade of human hair on the market! Russian hair can technically be used by anyone wanting fabulous hair, it is most suited for women with finer hair textures. Women with fine hair can still have incredibly thick hair (Hello Kardashian and Hadid sisters); we are simply talking about the diameter of every hair strand. Russian hair extensions are not only perfectly thick and full, but they also blend seamlessly. Russian Hair Extensions Tip #4: Keeping it in the family The Best Russian Hair Extensions are sourced from Russia, Ukraine and surrounding it is only selected for its soft, fine characteristics which are more compatible with Caucasian hair. Slavic Russian Hair also comes from this region making Slavic Russian Hair Extensions a premium option when it comes to choosing the right hair. Russian Hair Extensions Tip #5: What the bundles should look like Our hair is free of any mixing of synthetics, animal or coarse and is only sourced from healthy young women. When we receive our Russian Hair bundles, they’re a ponytail. In some rare cases we might get Russian Curly bundles that we can then match to the perfect client, but this doesn’t happen often and you have to put yourself down on a wait list.Every woman deserves to experience the luxury of full, luscious hair.