The Best Haircare Routine
If you’re a haircare lover, you know finding the right hair routine is essential for everyday care. But getting the right routine to suit your hair type can be harder than it looks, especially with combination or stubborn hair. To find your haircare routine, we’ve listed our tips with a few products to get you on your way.What's Your Hair Type?
This first step will establish your haircare routine, so it’s essential to know which hair type you fall into. Straight Hair Straight hair is usually flat from the scalp with no bend in the hair, meaning oil easily travels down the hair shaft creating shiny lengths that can look greasy. Straight hair texture can be coarse or thin and fine, so multitasking products will be your best bet to ensure your hair is clean and smooth. We Recommend: A sulphate-free shampoo and/or a deep cleanser. To combat oil without drying your ends, you’ll want a gentle yet deep cleanse with a sulphate-free shampoo. A sulphate-free shampoo cleanses without stripping the natural oils, which are essential to balancing the scalp. If you find your hair is extra oily, try incorporating a deep cleansing shampoo into your routine once a week. A deep cleanser is like a detox for your hair, effectively removing residue and oil that can leave your hair dull. Because a deep cleanser is so powerful, you’ll only want to use it when necessary to avoid over-cleansing. Follow up with a hydrating conditioner and a protective oil to ensure you don’t lose any moisture to keep your lengths healthy. Wavy Hair Wavy hair is usually between straight and curly with an 'S' shape that can trap oil towards the roots. Wavy hair is prone to frizz with a coarse or thin texture that can be a little harder to manage than straight hair types. Wavy hair types should focus their routine on hydration and cleansing to manage oil and frizz. We Recommend: A nourishing and hydrating shampoo. A sulphate-free shampoo can also work with wavy hair types to remove oil build-up, but you’ll want to focus on how you dry and hydrate your hair. Depending on if you scrunch dry or use a diffuser with your hairdryer, you’ll want a protective oil or heat protector to ensure your ends don’t dry out and become frizzy. If knots are a problem, try using a detangler with a wide-tooth comb or using your fingers before you shampoo and condition. Curly Hair Curly hair is the driest of the hair types, with tight or spiralled curls trapping oil at the scalp, leaving the ends frizzy. Curly hair tends to be coarse in texture and needs and an extra boost of hydration to keep the curls nourished. While oily roots can be an issue, you don’t want to over-cleanse, creating a sebum imbalance. We Recommend: Like wavy hair types, it’s best to start with a detangler and a wide-tooth comb to get rid of any knots before washing. To avoid over-cleansing, trying to shampoo your curls every 2-3 days or once a week with products that contain nourishing oils and butters for ultimate hydration. It’s important to cleanse dirt and oils from the scalp, but the main focus is hydration. This can be achieved with a leave-in conditioner which can be used without shampooing if your ends need extra moisture. Follow up with a nourishing oil from the mid-lengths down to keep your lengths hydrated. What’s your haircare routine? For more hair tips and tricks, find our other blogs here.Are you ready for a winter refresh?